About the Council
Who we are
Founded in 2012, the Technology Business Management (TBM) Council is a nonprofit business entity dedicated to advancing the discipline of TBM through education, standards, and collaboration. Governed by an independent board of both global and regional business technology leaders, this diverse group represents some of the world’s most innovative companies, including Mastercard, Wells Fargo, State Farm Insurance, Nike, Stanley Black & Decker, Equifax, ANZ Group, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Adidas, Mercedes Benz, and more. The TBM Council provides best practices for leaders to leverage so they can react quickly to changing market dynamics and optimize cloud and agile strategies to deliver on business objectives.
What we do
The Council provides TBM certification courses, executive primers, best practices, an authoritative TBM book, and multiple course offerings for practitioners and executives that prepare, strengthen, and advance member’s skills and careers.
Education opportunities
We offer peer-to-peer collaboration opportunities through our annual global conference, TBM Conference, our online community TBM Connect, executive summits, industry strategy community meetings, and more.
Join the community
The Council develops and evolves the standards of TBM practices through the TBM framework and taxonomy, business-value KPIs, and TBM playbooks. We conduct an annual State of TBM Research as well as other industry benchmarking research and surveys.
Our standards committee
Open ecosystem
The Council provides opportunities for regional and global service providers, software vendors, and other partners in the TBM ecosystem to sponsor, engage, and participate in the Council’s activities, events, training, and standards.
Our partner ecosystem
The TBM Council is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of C-level executives who are leaders in TBM. This esteemed group steers the Council’s strategic direction, ensuring that its mission of advancing TBM practices remains focused and impactful. Board members are committed to fostering a thriving TBM community. They actively contribute to the development of TBM standards, research, and educational offerings. By sharing best practices and insights, Board members inspire and mentor other leaders, driving the adoption and maturation of TBM globally.
Statement of position on diversity & inclusion
The Technology Business Management Council, a community of business, technology, and finance professionals, recognizes that diversity of race, gender, age, orientation, religion, identity, disability, military status and experience is essential to the success of our mission. Not only do we continuously strive to be an inclusive community, respectful and appreciative of our members’ diversity, but we also believe diversity and inclusion are good for modern enterprises and the technology teams that enable them.
Therefore, we embrace three tenets of diversity and inclusion:
We will seek diversity of our own membership and leadership, starting with our board of directors and extending to all aspects of what we do. We will increasingly seek members and engagement from other walks of life and intentionally drive collaboration from more diverse groups of people. We will also make TBM-related education, mentorship, jobs and internships available to diverse professionals and college students.
We believe that diversity and inclusion are important components of competitive advantage. Inclusiveness extends beyond traditional diversity demographics such as race, gender, and sexual orientation to other traits such as intro- and extraversion, learning styles, communication styles and more. Effective inclusion practices therefore expand the talent pool, attract and reward different perspectives, enhance collaboration and problem solving, drive additional innovation and align to your customers and their ways of thinking and buying behaviors.
There are specific ways in which technology leaders can and should foster inclusiveness within their own companies. These range from developing talent to enabling those with different perspectives or challenges (e.g., introversion, communication styles, physical disabilities) to preventing discriminatory practices (e.g., through AI and machine learning). Technology leaders are in a unique position to both empower diversity internally and shape their business processes that affect external stakeholders.
We have a lot to learn regarding these three tenets. Today, they are largely aspirational. However, we believe our community can help us learn faster, share the lessons we learn, and begin to put in place best practices that will help the members of our community and the organizations they represent be more successful as well.
Underwriting Sponsor
IBM is the Underwriting Sponsor of the TBM Council. Their significant contribution enables the TBM Council to deliver exceptional value to its members, including world-class events, innovative programs, and groundbreaking initiatives. Beyond financial support, IBM provides essential operational and administrative support, ensuring the smooth running of the TBM Council.