TBM Council Partners

TBM Council Partners are a dedicated group of companies that help drive growth, best practice, thought leadership and adoption of TBM through their engagement with the TBM community.

Partners help shape the future of TBM alongside Council members, and support member journeys at all stages.

Partners also participate in TBM Council programs and offerings like strategy communities, regional events, board invitationals and conference, dependent upon their sponsorship tier.

There are five categories of partners:

  • Solution Partners – Software providers that are integral to the TBM supply chain and data landscape
  • Delivery Partners – Help members adopt, deliver or improve their TBM practice and capabilities
  • Research Partners – Work with the TBM community to conduct research and share insights
  • Education Partners – Help members build TBM expertise and to become certified
  • Standards Partners – Offer standards related assets and events highly correlated to TBM

Interested in becoming a partner? Reach out to info@tbmcouncil.org for more information.

Solution Partners

Solution Partner systems help enrich or automate TBM capabilities and insight by supporting critical data and competences that are integral to TBM lifecycle value management. Our Solution Partners offer thought leadership, best-practices and world class solutions of value to global members.

Delivery Partners

The Council’s Delivery Partners offer delivery expertise, best-practice insight and thought leadership valued by the global community. They are instrumental to evolving the discipline through their work in our Strategy Communities, discussion boards and practitioner deployments.

Research Partners

Research Partners help develop, analyze and share best practice across the global community. From finance to delivery or operations, operating models to TBM benefits, Research Partners help identify and share high performance insight and the state of TBM to the benefit of members.

Education Partners

Our Certified Education Partners work with the Council to augment, grow and often deliver our education offerings. These are experienced delivery professionals with a wealth of knowledge to share, whether in a public or private course setting.

Standards Partners

This partner community represents important connected standards that have been applied by TBM practitioners to enrich or augment core capabilities. From sustainability or cyber to functional or vertically specific capabilities, Standards Partners offer additional means of maturing or extending your TBM capabilities and insights through additional best practices and standards.

Founding and Underwriting Partner

Apptio founded the TBM Council in 2012 and continues to be its underwriting partner. Through its underwriting, Apptio supports the growth and evolution of TBM, the TBM Council and its global community of practitioners, executives and partners.

Apptio Logo